Greek courts order Conor Howard’s bail in Qatar extradition case today
Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai and Due Process International, who is representing the family said:
“While we are pleased that Conor Howard has been granted bail and will be home with his family tomorrow, he should never have been locked up in a Corfu jail in the first place. At the whim of a country notorious for Interpol & extradition abuse, a European country has been used as a conduit to unfairly detain a British national.
“Qatar has been responsible for a number of arrests and detentions inside the EU over the past 24 months. In none of these cases, were the victims extradited and in all cases I have dealt with, the victims were released and removed from Interpol’s database. What this demonstrates is Qatar’s misuse of Interpol and how European countries are enabling Middle Eastern countries to export human rights violations, jailing citizens at the whim of countries who are repeat abusers of the trusted Interpol organisation.
“Although Conor has been finally granted bail, Greece has allowed Qatar until the 4th of November to present further evidence, meaning Conor is not allowed to return to Scotland and still risks being extradited to a desert prison.
“What the Howard family has had to endure is incredibly taxing, both emotionally and financially. While they are lucky to have so much support, they will not rest easy until this nightmare is over”.

Radha Stirling has been campaigning for Conor Howard, discussing the case in a series of live broadcasts and on her podcast Gulf in Justice.
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