Irish citizens warned: New risky UAE Extradition Treaty following Tori Towey case.

23 October 2024

Will Dubai extradite alleged Kinahan associate Sean McGovern?

14 October 2024

Ireland celebrates the anticipated return of 28 year old Emirates Airlines flight attendant, Tori Towey, who was charged with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption after suffering violent abuse at the hands of her South African husband.

10 July 2024

A 28 year old Emirates Airlines cabin crew employee became the victim of brutal domestic violence leading to an attempt to take her own life. Rather than helping her go home to Ireland with her mother, Dubai authorities charged her with attempted suicide and alcohol cons...

9 July 2024

Interpol & Extradition
Irish citizens face wrong arrests and extradition to a country notorious for human rights abuses if extradition treaty is agreed.

11 September 2023