No precedent set for freedom of press and a last minute plea deal for Julian Assange.  Is this justice?

25 June 2024

Interpol & Extradition
In light of the Julian Assange appeal, an Interpol and extradition focussed NGO has called on several Parliamentary Committees to investigate the need for changes to Britain’s extradition treaties and process.

23 May 2024

The Assange team is ‘hopeful’ for Biden’s review of charges against Julian Assange, but what’s really going on behind the scenes at the White House? Interpol and Extradition Expert, Radha Stirling explains.

18 April 2024

UK courts have sufficient legal reason to deny the extradition of Julian Assange.

17 April 2024

The US Government's War on Whistleblowers and Critics”.

31 July 2023

Interpol & Extradition
The international community is questioning America's justice system for what is seen as unequal application of the law in New York’s indictment of President Trump. America is being branded as hypocritical for exporting “democracy” to “autocratic” states when a substantia...

11 April 2023