“At this point, UK citizens who lose their money in the Dubai property market could not be blamed for holding British media outlets accountable, ethically if not legally,” says an exasperated Radha Stirling, founder and CEO of Detained in Dubai. She is reacting to the la...

11 May 2023

The Dubai real estate market has long been a popular destination for foreign investors, with its attractive tax and investment incentives, luxurious lifestyle offerings and rapid development. However, Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai and Due Process International...

9 May 2023

The United Arab Emirates has long been a close ally of the United States, with the two countries cooperating on issues ranging from security to trade. However, since at least the outbreak of the Ukraine war, tensions between the two nations have been on the rise, largely...

20 April 2023

As the first private jets from Moscow were landing in the UAE, Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai and Due Process International, warned that the Emirates would quickly become Russian oligarchs’ preferred sanctions-avoidance destination for their targeted riches. “W...

18 January 2023

by Radha Stirling, CEO of Detained in Dubai, Due Process International and host of the Gulf in Justice Podcast

25 March 2022