UK courts have sufficient legal reason to deny the extradition of Julian Assange.

17 April 2024

Part 2: TNT's Lembit Öpik invites Radha back for a full hour, talking politics & current affairs.  Are we doomed with uni-parties in the UK and US?  News, propaganda, censorship and more.

14 April 2024

Born in Northern Ireland in 1965 to Estonian parents, Lembit Öpik studied Economics, then Philosophy at Bristol University. In 1988, He joined multi-national firm Procter & Gamble in Advertising, rising to Global Human Resources Training & Development Manager for...

14 April 2024

Can’t work. Can’t leave. Relying on charity for food and shelter: The foreigners trapped in Dubai

11 April 2024

Gulf in Justice host, Radha Stirling, interviews Mr Zulfi Bujhari, special advisor to Prime Minister Imran Khan, the “most popular PM in Pakistan’s history”.  Mr Bujhari explains what led to the ousting and subsequent persecution of PM Khan and his entire party, their fa...

5 April 2024

Due Process International
Tara Reade has weighed in on George Stephanopoulos and his controversial “rape shaming” of Rep. Nancy Mace. Reade has called on Stephanopoulos to interview her. “He knows exactly who I am. He knows my claim is valid”.

14 March 2024

Interpol & Extradition
Preventing an Interpol Red Notice, by Expert Radha Stirling

13 March 2024

“Hypocrite” George Stephanopoulos “rape shames” Rep. Nancy Mace for Trump endorsement.

12 March 2024

Will the appointment of a British Secretary General promote human rights within the organisation?

27 February 2024

Hi, I’m Ian. If you’re looking at these testimonials to help you decide whether or not to contact Detained in Dubai, my advice is to go for it. I was in a tricky situation and was beginning to despair when my wife persuaded me to contact Rahda. She immediately took con...

27 February 2024