Ireland celebrates the anticipated return of 28 year old Emirates Airlines flight attendant, Tori Towey, who was charged with attempted suicide and alcohol consumption after suffering violent abuse at the hands of her South African husband.

10 July 2024

A 28 year old Emirates Airlines cabin crew employee became the victim of brutal domestic violence leading to an attempt to take her own life. Rather than helping her go home to Ireland with her mother, Dubai authorities charged her with attempted suicide and alcohol cons...

9 July 2024

Dubai Unlocked: Is Dubai really a safe haven for fugitives?  Interpol & Extradition expert, Radha Stirling, the founder of Detained in Dubai, looks into it.

17 May 2024

Family excited for Ian Mackellar's return to Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

6 February 2024

Interpol & Extradition
Irish citizens face wrong arrests and extradition to a country notorious for human rights abuses if extradition treaty is agreed.

11 September 2023

Princess Latifa
By Chris Sweeny

15 August 2021

Princess Latifa
Acting as Sheikha Latifa Al Maktoum’s legal representatives, Detained in Dubai and Captain Hervé Jaubert have instructed internationally renowned barrister John Cooper QC of 25 Bedford Row to advise in their ongoing case with the United Nations on behalf of the Dubai pri...
Princess Latifa
From onboard Nostromo, after Latifa’s daring escape from Dubai, she contacted Detained in Dubai CEO Radha Stirling and the two exchanged messages up until her capture. The messages showcase how determined the princess was to secure her freedom.
Princess Latifa
Sheikh Mohammed has applied to the English High Court for custody of his two children from Jordanian wife Princess Haya after their separation was confirmed in the media.Leaked information from Haya’s side indicated that she was in fear for her life, the lives of her chi...
Princess Latifa
Unprecedented attack on US yacht calls for Princess Latifa to be returned to US jurisdiction

7 March 2021